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Christianity Today News Briefs
Campus evangelism at New Orleans, Passion sales, the ark hunt fails, and the persecution watch.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Christianity Today News Briefs
World Relief to fight human trafficking, homeschooling declared illegal in Germany, and Sri Lanka's anti-conversion bill blocked.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
A Stopped Pulse
Financial woes kill once-influential missions newsletter.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world
Christianity Today News Briefs
Making amends with Anabaptists, AmeriCorps teachers banned from Catholic schools, and the Graham Staines hospital.
News Briefs: August 01, 2004
Partial-birth abortion ban banned, registering Turkmenistan's churches, and Baylor's Robert Sloan.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
News Briefs: July 01, 2004
The morning-after pill, persecution in Vietnam, and the Jesus Video Project.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Jailed for Christ
Government harasses churches in Eritrea
Deaths, promotions, and other tidbits from the religion world.
Indian Churches Hail the Defeat of Hindu-Nationalist Government
Vote consciously campaign urged Christian voters to elect secular political parties.
The Christianity Today News Wrap
Helping ex-cons, breaking virginity pledges, persecution, and quick church planting
Deaths, promotions, and other tidbits from the religion world.
The Christianity Today News Wrap
Responding to cloning, banning religious apparel in France, and a ponzi scheme
Scholarship Wars
Supreme Court says states can deny public funds to some religious students.
Deaths, promotions, and other tidbits from the religion world.
Deaths, promotions, and other tidbits from the religion world.